Our Blog
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4 jan 2024

Threads: The Next Frontier in Social Media Marketing

Welcome to our blog post on the topic of Threads, the new Instagram companion app that has been making waves in the social ....

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4 Jan 2024

The Future of Digital Marketing in India: Unleashing a Multi-Billion Rupee Industry

In recent years, the digital marketing industry in India has witnessed remarkable....

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30 Jun 2024

Mastering Performance Appraisals: 10 Expert Tips for Success

Performance appraisals are an essential tool for both employees and organizations to evaluate....

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1 Jan 2024

Why choose digital marketing takeaways?

It's no secret that digital marketing is a growing industry. If you want to stay ahead of the competition....

2 Jan 2024

The Evolving and Reliable method to Increase Revenue: Digital Marketing

The internet is a great place to advertise your business, but....

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4 Jan 2024

The Ultimate Guide : How E–commerce site can optimize SEO

With the rise of digital technologies, most of the businesses are ....

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8 January 2024

Mobile Marketing:PPC experts’ results it’s more crucial than ever

We are living in the 21st century where everyone....

9 Jan 2024

Pay-Per-Click Trends for 2023

Where the new era is converting towards digital, All businesses are gazing towards....

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11 Jan 2024

5G Launch: A Big Success for Digital Technology

In this growing world of technology, the inaugural launch for the 5G cellular network.....

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12 Jan 2024

Alternatives for Digital Marketing: End of Third-Party Cookies

Cookies are the viscous factor of online advertising and it plays an important role in....

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14 Jan 2024

Mobile SEO Guide: Just Read

Do you understand the value of Mobile SEO for your franchise? If not, then you are losing many of....

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15 Jan 2024

NEOM: Well planned to establish its dream smart city – LINE

As always, NEOM- One of the leading organisations well-known for its finest.....

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16 Jan 2024

3 Future Technologies which will change the future of human beings.

Technology is the powerhouse on its own and bringing diverse change is its nature.....

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17 Jan 2024

Skyscraper SEO : Advantages and Techniques

Skyscraper SEO is a technique used to improve a website's search engine ....

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18 Jan 2024

The Buzz of Web 3

The Internet is constantly growing and evolving. The number of
users and devices connected to the internet .....

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19 January 2024

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in Marketing

Marketing is all about grabbing someone’s attention towards your product or services......

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20 Jan 2024

How to Understand a Person like the Topics in your Favourite Book

As of 2023, the estimated global population is around 8.0 billion people.....

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21 Jan 2024

Advance SEO Techniques to expand your business in 2023

In this era of competition and challenges, Every business needs good digital....

22 jan 2024

Marketer Skill Sets Guide: How to become a Potential Marketer

Marketing is a competitive and lucrative field. It attracts people who are more....

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23 Jan 2024

Google Ads: A Guide for Marketing Beginners

In this era of online competition, there is nothing easy for marketers to bring.....

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24 Jan 2024

Let the Ontogen Digital describes you, How it can Help you to Drive Traffic and Sales:

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO......

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25 Jan 2024

Mend your Marketing Reach with the Use of High Performing Google Ads

Digital Marketing is the need of every business. Almost ....

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27 Jan 2024

Advertise in New Virtual World : Metaverse

In this modern era, technology is emerging and people are adopting varieties of .....

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28 Jan 2024

3 Skyscraper SEO : Advantages and Techniques

This often involves creating longer, more.....

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29 Jan 2024

Play the Safest SEO Game with Latest Google Algorithms Updates:

One of the top most Search engines in the world ....

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30 Jan 2024

How to Sell Your Services to Millenial: To the Most Experienced Age Group of People.

Millennials sound Aesthetic. Right? But, ....

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1 Feb 2024

Best Business Software Guide - 2023

Business management does not seem to be an easy task in today's times......

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2 February 2024

The Who, What and How of Multi-Channel Digital Marketing:

Multi channel marketing refers to the various mediums ......

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3 February 2024

Content Ideas for Pinterest

Making your online presence is no small feat. While posting something ....

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3 Feb 2024

A Mega Guide : Importance of Animation in Marketing

Consider only those things you can.....

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4 Feb 2024

Concept Of Multi-Channel Marketing to Increase Your Sales and Leads:

Analyzing overall tactics of marketing has......

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5 Feb 2024

Significance of Creating your Own Hashtags : Tragedy Revealed:

Digital Marketing is the need of every business. Almost ....

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6 Feb 2024

Skyscraper SEO : Advantages and Techniques

Skyscraper SEO is a technique used to improve .....

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7 Feb 2024

(Augmented Reality) AR Advertising:

Alexa - I love you. Have you tried this once know that computers and ......

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8 Feb 2024

E-commerce D2C Social Media Advertising:

Ontogen Digital's D2C service may involve helping businesses set up and....

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9 Feb 2024

Good News for Content Creators: Now Earn a Money With Instagram Play Bonuses Initiative

Hello, you all content creators! Here is .....

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10 Feb 2024

Importance of SEO in the initial stage of start-ups

Start-up is the term that refers to the company......

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11 Feb 2024

How to build a potential customer on LinkedIn:

Are you aware that LinkedIn is considered as ....

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12 Feb 2024

Performance Marketing : Now Earn Money With Your Marketing Proposals

Several times you might have heard the term types.....

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13 Feb 2024

Marketing to GenZ with Creative Video Content :

Who all marketers want to connect with Gen Z? This.....

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14 Feb 2024

Best business models for digital marketing company:

There are several business models that a digital....

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15 Feb 2024

The Who and What of Promoters of a Company:

In our previous blogs, we taught you many digital marketing tactics.....

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16 Feb 2024

TikTok SEO: Learn and Apply

Google Stay Aware! Someone is coming for your .....

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17 Feb 2024

Importance of offline media marketing:

Offline media optimization refers to the cognitive ....

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18 Feb 2024

Digitalization in Banking Sector- Metaverse

Considering the olden days, banks were used to deposit....

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19 Feb 2024

The Best 10 Qualitative Data Analysis Software Platforms in 2023: Unlocking Insights with Cutting-Edge Tools

In the ever-evolving landscape of....

20 Feb 2024

IG broadcasting : Marketing Chaos

Welcome to blog post on the topic of Instagram marketing and its new feature,Broadcasting Channel!....

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21 Feb 2024

Maximizing Returns: Entrepreneur revealed the Profit Behind Investing 30% of Your Budget in Marketing

For entrepreneurs and business owners,....

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22 Feb 2024

"Cracking the Code: The Power of Buyer Personas to Connect with Your Ideal Audience"

In today's competitive marketplace, understanding your target audience is ,....

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23 Feb 2024

Digital Marketing 2.0: Turbocharge Your Growth and Unleash Your Brand's Full Potential

Digital Marketing 2.0: Turbocharge Your Growth and ....

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24 Feb 2024

Virtual Reality Marketing:The Era of Immersive Brand Experiences

Discover how virtual reality marketing is revolutionizing the way brands engage....

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25 Feb 2024

Omnichannel Marketing in a Limited Budget: Strategies That Will Propel Your Business.

Welcome, fellow marketers and entrepreneurs! In today's digitally-driven world,....

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26 Feb 2024

White Hat SEO vs. Black Hat SEO: Understanding the Key Differences for Sustainable Success

In the vast universe of search engine optimization (SEO), two distinct approaches....

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27 Feb 2024

High-Value Content Marketing Funnels in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the insider secrets to crafting a high-value content marketing....

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29 Feb 2024

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Web Design & Digital Marketing Company in 2023

According to some stats, In 2023, it has been estimated ....

23 Jan 2024

Understanding Micro-Moments: How to Capture Consumer Attention in Real Time

In today's fast-paced digital world, capturing consumer attention has become....

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15 Jan 2024

Ultimate Guide to Enhancing Google Ads on Your Website

Google Ads is a powerful advertising platform that enables businesses to reach their....

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16 Jan 2024

Sales Territory Planning and Management: What You Need to Know for Effective Results

In the world of sales, territory planning and management are vital.....

17 Jan 2024

Boosting Leads and Sales with WhatsApp CRM Software: A Game-Changer for Business:

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape, companies....

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18 Jan 2024

The Impact of AI on Sales Pitching: Revolutionizing the Art of Persuasion

In today's fast-paced business world, sales pitching plays a pivotal role in driving revenue and securing new clients....

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19 Jan 2024

"Mastering Digital Sales: Strategies and Tactics for Success"

In In today's fast-paced and competitive corporate world, professionalism plays a crucial...

20 Jan 2024

"The Evolution in Sales Techniques : Navigating New Frontiers for Success"

Sales techniques have come a long way since the early days of.....

21 Jan 2024

Boost Sales Conversion Rates with Digital Marketing | Real Case Studies

Discover the power of digital marketing ....

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2 Feb 2024

Holistic Digital Marketing: SEO, Social Media, Content Strategy | Boost Online Presence

Discover how a holistic digital marketing....

3 Feb 2024

Unveiling the Power of Technical SEO: Enhancing Your Website's Performance

Welcome to an enlightening journey through the realm of technical SEO,....

4 Feb 2024

Demystifying Schema Markup: Boosting SEO with Structured Data | Ontogen Digital

In the world of SEO, schema markup has emerged as a winning technique....

5 Feb 2024

Decoding LinkedIn Impressions and Analytics: Boosting Engagement for Success

In the scenario of professional networking and digital branding,.....

6 Feb 2024

Maximizing Your Reach: The Power of Regular Social Media Posting

In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. With billions of active....

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27 Jan 2024

Mobile Marketing Mastery: Capturing the Growing Audience on the Go

Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the realm of mobile marketing....

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28 Jan 2024

Digital Marketing Revenue Trends: Learning from Competitors' Success

Discover the latest digital marketing revenue ....

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29 Jan 2024

"Boost Revenue Generation in One Month | Interactive Digital Marketing Steps"

Embark on an interactive journey .....

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30 Jan 2024

The Power of Shareable Content: Leveraging Analytics for Improved ROI | Ontogen Digital

In today's digital landscape, creating shareable content.....

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22 Jan 2024

Revenue Growth: The Formula for Success Led by Ontogen Digital, a Digital Marketing Agency

In today's highly competitive digital landscape, generating ....

23 Jan 2024

Revenue Growth: Top AI Softwares for Business Success

In the digital age, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to drive....

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2 Feb 2024

Sales-Based Revenue: A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Management

In the fast-paced and competitive world of business,

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6 Jan 2024

The Metaverse Revolution: How it Will Become an Integral Part of Our Lives by 2025:

The metaverse has been making waves....

1 Mar 2024

Where Marketers Are Investing Their Money in 2023: Unveiling the Latest Trends

Welcome to our blogs, where we dive into the exciting world of ....

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2 Mar 2024

The Rise of Virtual Influencers: Will Robots Replace Humans? Meet Kyra, India's Meta-Influencer

In the age of social media, influencers have become....

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3 Mar 2024

The Most Beneficial Way to Develop More Backlinks in Less Time (2023)

In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO) backlinks continue ....

4 Mar 2024

The Rise of Voice Search: Optimizing for Voice-Activated Devices

Welcome to our blog, where we dive into the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.....

5 Mar 2024

Mastering LinkedIn: A Step-by-Step Guide to Requesting Verification

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to request verification on.....

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6 Mar 2024

"AI Software-Driven Growth: A Large Franchise's Success Story in 2023"

Join us on an interactive exploration of how a large franchise....

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7 Mar 2024

Affiliate Marketing: Discovering Profitable Keywords and Niches

Learn a groundbreaking tactic to unearth a wealth of easy-to-target affiliate keywords and niches,....

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8 Mar 2024

Affiliate Marketing: Discovering Profitable Keywords and Niches

Learn a groundbreaking tactic to unearth a wealth of easy-to-target affiliate keywords and niches,....

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9 Mar 2024

"Unlocking the Potential of Big Data: How Digital Marketing Thrives with Data Analytics"

Welcome to our interactive blog on the topic "What is Big Data....

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13 Mar 2024

The Comprehensive guide on Importance of Social Media in Higher Education

The Comprehensive guide on Importance of Social Media in Higher Education.....

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14 Mar 2024

The Best 5 Digital Marketers in the World: Transforming Strategies that evolved the method

In today's hyper-connected world, digital marketing .....


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