How to Understand a Person like the Topics in your Favourite Book

19 January 2024 | By - Krishna Mohod
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As of 2023, the estimated global population is around 8.0 billion people. However, it's important to note that every single person has a different way to express their emotion, anger and happiness. Not every person is forthcoming with their emotions and feelings, but by paying attention to nonverbal cues such as clothing, body language, and behaviour, you can understand insight into a person's emotions and thoughts.

For example, a person who is dressed in formal attire and maintains good posture may be perceived as confident and professional, while someone who is slouching and fidgeting may be perceived as nervous or unsure. Similarly, a person who avoids eye contact or crosses their arms may be perceived as closed off or defensive, while someone who maintains open body language and makes frequent eye contact may be perceived as open and approachable.It's important to note that interpreting nonverbal cues is not an exact science and can be influenced by cultural, individual and situational factors. But when combined with verbal cues, it can provide a more complete understanding of the person's emotions.

The exact procedure to learn about people without speaking goes from the path of below three methods.

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This involves paying attention to a person's behaviour, body language, and nonverbal cues. This can provide insight into their emotions, thoughts, and attitudes.


This method involves gathering information about a person through various sources such as social media , news articles, and public records. This can provide information about a person's interests, hobbies, and background. Nowadays, most people post their daily life updates on social media. It includes their behavioural thoughts, emotions and sometimes also perceptions on various topics.

Contextual analysis:

This method involves analyzing a person's environment and the context in which they are found. For example, a person's job, location, or the company they are working with can provide information about their life, interests, and values. It helps you to play an easy game when you understand what that person's work in his or her professional life.
It's important to keep in mind that these methods can only provide a limited understanding of a person, and should be used in conjunction with direct communication in order to gain a more complete understanding. Additionally, people's behaviour, preferences and thoughts can change over time, so it's always good to re-evaluate your understanding of them.

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