Alternatives for Digital Marketing: End of Third-Party Cookies

Alternatives for Digital Marketing: End of Third-Party Cookies

12 January 2024 | By - Krishna Mohod
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Cookies are the viscous factor of online advertising and it plays an important role in various marketing sectors. Marketers and companies are dependent on cookies to understand the traffic driven on their website and beyond.In the month of March 2021, Google Chrome commenced the phase out of third party cookies. By the upcoming year 2023, third party cookies will not be able to work on the search engine. However, first-party cookies will continue its journey and will be accommodated by all marketers. Google Chrome recently revealed that 56%+ of the website and over 50% of global web-traffic will have a large twisting effect through digital advertising. To adjust with this new normal, brand and marketing agencies need to mould themselves and get prepared for this trend.

Comparison between third party cookies and first party cookies:

The first party cookies and third party cookies have significant differences as if the data stored directly on your domain is developed by the website or if it is managed and maintained by the sources outside of your website.First-Party cookies store the data or information on the host domain that can be formulated by the website owner. The website owner has access to login information, language preferences, shopping carts features, privacy settings. This type of cookie is reliable and serves to improve the user experience.If it comes to the third-party cookies then it is managed and maintained by third party sources. Some of the examples include digital marketers and support chat widgets. They can keep watch on users and display more personalised and automated ads across websites. Alternatives to Third Party Cookies.

First-Party Data:

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As third-party cookies are not going to be continued, Marketers need to be prepared for this change by formulating first-party data with necessity to target their consumers. Enriching databases will be the only options for marketers to compete with other brands in marketing sectors. It is a necessary step to capture some of the data that will be lost in absence of Third -party cookies.

Universal IDs:

Another way will be the Universal IDs. Universal ID is known as a user identifier that indulges a shared encrypted identity to users in an ecosystem without ultilizing the third party cookies. This could help marketers in improving user experience, targeting, and privacy compliance.

Contextual Targeting:

Contextual targeting refers to the serving ads on websites related to that website content. Marketers can target URLs using keywords that detail the originated campaign. This will be the way to reach the group of target audience. Thus, if you need any help related to SEO and Keywords or require more information related to this.

Contact Us:

E-mail as a communication service is used by 91% of the people living in our society. 91% of them reportedly check their mail-box twice in a day. Using Email as a marketing tool for your brand is a great way to pull more traffic towards your website. It is also recognized as a highly efficient tool for nurturing leads through the buying cycle.Email marketing is the best way to create targeted and personalized messages. It supports you to make good connections with your customers. More than this, it will also help to improve your response rates to your direct marketing campaign.

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