How Colour Psychology Influences 90% of your customer’s first impressions that sells

24 May 2024 | By - Sudha Mariappan
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What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear branding and marketing?

Is it the catchy slogan, the content or maybe the innovative brand logo?

All of these components are important but there is one aspect that is not seen enough, colour.

Yes, colour!

Studies have shown that approximately 90% of customers base their first impressions of a brand completely looking at the colours. It also shows people have a different response to different colours.

It makes a fascinating field of study called colour psychology. This interesting area of research talks about the impact of various colours on human behaviour in relation to consumer behaviour and choice making.

What exactly is Colour Psychology?

The study of how colours affect perceptions and behaviours of humans is colour psychology. The whole slogan, logo design and marketing tactics revolve around colours which can make people react differently to diverse colours.

Let’s see what various colours usually signify under human emotions:

Red is a common colour used for clearance sales because it represents energy, excitement, and a sense of urgency.

Blue is used by tech companies and financial institutions, because it gives off trusting nature, calmness and professionalism as shown in recent studies.

Green is the colour which reminds people of well-being, environmental issues and environmental protection as well.

Yellow colour represents joy, hope, and warmth. That is why people place brighter colours on the windows of shops to attract customers.

Black colour conveys richness, authority, and elegance. Luxury brands often use black in their designs.

black colour symbolizes cleanliness, simplicity, and innocence. Healthcare and technology frequently use it to get a plain look which can be trustworthy.

Brands which use colour psychology examples:

1. Chanel, Gucci & Prada
People love black. Black is the epitome of luxury, class and elegance. When we think about black, it reminds us of the shiny luxurious products with a rich background.

High end brands like Chanel, Gucci and Prada use black in their branding to show their luxury. It shows the power they hold and customers feel a surge of power when they buy the product.

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The above logo of Gucci shows simplicity and elegance, which all luxury brands follow.

This psychology of black is interpreted with it creating a mystery, which creates curiosity among the buyers. The value doubles if the colour is black when branding occurs.

2. Coca-Cola
Even children are aware of the brand Coca-Cola. Whether it be parties or a simple get together, for every occasion of celebration, Coca-Cola is present.

Coca-Cola is an excellent example of how effective colour psychology can be used. As the brand has such an iconic red colour, it is linked with excitement, energy, and passion.

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Red allows the product to easily attract customers and ensures that they have a strong bond with it.

3. McDonald’s
Advertisers use red and yellow colours for McDonald’s. Red colour is known to increase appetite by psychology and intensifies it by creating a sense of urgency.

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As for the yellow colour, it is associated with joy and friendship, which encourages us into buying more than what we need from them.

Together these colours make the design visually dominating and noticeable, as well at the same time it guarantees that consumers will never pass by without entering their restaurants.

How do consumers react to Colour psychology?

The colours you use on your brand are not just for creating aesthetic values, they communicate your brand in an effective way by captivating the consumers’ attention.

Using colour consistently could increase your brand’s recognition by 80%. It is because the human brain processes colour before words or shapes.

Emotions may be evoked using colours on the part of viewers. For example, colour green is used by a brand which might attract customers who are concerned about the environment's safety, creating an emotional connection.

The selection of colour can affect purchasing decisions. For instance, red may evoke a sense of urgency leading to buying something without a second thought, as we saw in the mcdonalds’ example.

How can you apply Colour Psychology in Marketing?

Various demographic groups attract several colours.

For example, brighter colours may make more sense to younger audiences than older groups who may opt for muted ones. To know the colours preferred by your target audience, analyze it first.

Your brand colours should match the personality and values of your brand.

For example, a fitness brand could choose high-energy, bold shades like red or orange that indicate enthusiasm and vibrancy, while high-end brands like Gucci would prefer black and gold because they symbolize classiness and grace.

It is important to understand that colours are critical Call-to-Action buttons. For that, red or orange is usually used, as it compels consumers’ to take action.

Another distinct preference for certain colours can be linked with some religious and cultural preferences. For example, white is usually associated with purity in some countries, whereas in some other countries, it is associated with mourning and grief.

Understanding some cultural preferences will help your brand stay on a global level, and connect with diverse audiences.

Thriving in a competitive world like this requires a great deal of understanding, every detail counts as a business creating a brand.

By understanding and applying the principles of colour psychology, you can create a compelling brand image which is not only captivating, but touches individuals emotionally.

If you need any assistance regarding colour psychology and creating a brand logo, feel free to connect us at Our creative designing experts offer services from graphic designing to logo creation. Subscribe to us for more such blogs.

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